Monday, October 19, 2015

Undeath: 'The living bones.'

Undeath, also known as the Curse of the Ghoul, is a state of life after death made possible by the corruptions of netheric death energy. Undead are usually very hostile mindless beings, lusting after the flesh they once held in life, these weaker variants are called Zombies. When a stronger netheric spirit passes on it is possible that it may manifest amongst the upper echelon of undead; as a Ghoul. Ghouls are conscious undead beings with their own wills, though not considered the most pleasant form of immortality, humanity's natural fear of death often drives them to such drastic extremes. As an undead, the full scope of netheric magic becomes available to a ghoul; many dark sorcerers become ghouls for this very reason. they also exhibit inhuman physical strength and unending stamina at the slight cost of elemental and holy weakness. In a weakened state a ghoul may revert to zombie tendencies, with the possibility of losing their mind forever. It takes constant meditation for a ghoul to maintain his sanity.
Undeath is not wholly limited to terra mater, but it certainly is abundant there; whole countries have fallen victim to the undead, the unwilling undead are turned into zombies. Ghouls treat zombies like a human would treat a dog, feeding them on scraps of flesh and using them to hunt down the living. The majority of Ghouls are servants to the Fiends, all-powerful netheric entities; the final goal of the Fiends is to conquer Azur for the Nether and wipe out all other forms of existence there. The only force that has quelled the undead horde in battle are known as the Order of Paladins, of the White City, warriors of the cloth who still wage war with the forces of darkness. Holy magic has a purging effect upon intro-energies which is highly potent to the undead, but the sheer numbers of the horde prevent any lasting victory for the Order. Much of eastern mater is shrouded in a perpetual overcast, these lands are known as the wastelands, for they have been conquered by the ghouls and infested with undead. The human cities that have fallen now serve as bastions for zombie droves, and headquarters for a conspiring ghoul army.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sulfur Dragon: "Doncha' Love the Smell of Sulfur in the Morning?"

The spotted yellow; also know as the sulfur dragon, is an interbreed native to the lands of andorsea and euncadek which encompass much of that world known as terra mater. This breed is of a high population similar to that of green dragons; but the two species, due to their geographical inclinations, almost never interact. Sulfur dragons prefer craggy barren tracts and lay their eggs in areas of high volcanic activity, they are slighter of build than greens but possess a much wider wingspan, adaptations evolved for increased aerial maneuverability. Most wyvern species are thought to have evolved from migrant sulfur dragons, being the link between the two draconic species. As dragons, they are much more intelligent than the common wyvern, and use their brainpower to outwit predators and prey. They are generally passive creatures, and will not attack humans unless provoked in most cases.
      This nonviolent nature is uncommon in dragons and wyverns, a trait which they carry into the raising of their young; as they are extremely nurturing and protective parents. The sulfur dragon breed is thought to have started as the bastard spawn of weak red dragons. They cannot breathe fire; instead they emit, from their highly acidic bowls, hot clouds of noxious gases to suffocate and burn their prey. They are highly aggressive when it comes to protecting their young, and will even fight larger dragons to the death if they attempt to raid the nest. Many human sects with time have come to admire the parental nature of the spotted yellow, and it is used as a symbol of the stalwart guardian. They spend much of their lives on the wing, hunting airborne creatures and other animals; actively avoiding human settlements or other sentience. Sulfur dragons are also strangely communal; in the fashion of some avians they may position their clutches in a defensive perimeter (though they may be miles apart.) If an especially dangerous threat invades their territories they may band together and swarm the threat. ^Dragon Hunters actively slay the spotted yellow, as with any other drak; even though they pose little threat to humankind. Their scales are highly prized and are used as the raiment of royalty in some cases. The golden sheen of their hides make them pop out in their environment, ironically making them easy targets. The spotted yellow is considered the only dragon of size and temperament to allow human riders, though they must be raised from the egg; wild yellows are much too prideful for this.